meet the first lady

Mother Deloris Davis (formerly Longworth) was born in Tampa, Florida to Dorothy Tillman and Samuel Longworth. She was raised by her grandmother, Alberta Tillman, with love and care.

Upon graduating from Middleton High School, Mother Davis pursued a career in nursing. She made history as the sole African American woman to successfully graduate from her nursing program. She dedicated her skills to working in the psychiatric and pediatric departments at Memorial and Tampa General hospital.

During her time in nursing school, Mother Davis met and married Superintendent Charles Davis. Together, they have four children: Charlotte, LaTonia (Brian), Karin (Ronald), and Amber (William). She is also a grandmother to seven grandchildren and great-grandmother to five. In her role as a grandmother and great grandmother, she provides guidance and support to her family's spiritual growth.

Following the start of her family, Mother Davis transitioned to a career as an Occupational Specialist in the Hillsborough County school system. She chose early retirement to support her husband in his pastoral duties after the passing of her father-in-law.

As Jurisdictional Marshall, Mother Deloris displayed charisma and grace, impacting all she encountered. Known for her compassion, support, and powerful prayer life, she has brought meaningful progress to those around her.

Above all, Mother Deloris is a devoted ambassador of God, encouraging others to give glory and praise. Her life, marked by faith and grace, has touched many souls and brought divine moments to those she encounters. She continues to inspire and uplift all who are fortunate to know her.

In the words of Mother Deloris Davis, "We serve a God! He's a mighty good God!" Her radiance and joy are unmatched, and her presence is truly unique. As she continues to spread God's message, her impact is undeniable.

You may contact First Lady Davis via email at