greeter's committee

"And whatsoever you do, do it heartily, as unto the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Jesus Christ." Colossians 3:23-24

With warm smiles, willing assistance, and kind words of welcome, The Greeter's Committee is comprised is a group of men and women who help foster a welcoming and friendly atmosphere that alerts all who worship at College Hill COGIC that the Presence and Power of the Holy Spirit is in our midst. Being a part of this ministry is not be taken lightly. Greeters are expected to prepare prayerfully, arrive early, and serve courteously on the "front lines" of the sanctuary. Greeting people as they enter the church is more than a handshake and a smile. It is an opportunity to express God's love through Christ and help set the tone of the upcoming worship service. If you believe you would like to serve on the Greeter's Committee, please email the church at, with your name and contact information. We will have someone contact you soon.  

list of officers

Sister Felicia Clark, President

Sister Mishondra Key, Vice President

Sister Sheryl Harris, Secretary